Woodbridge Office Conveniently Located At
199 Main Street, Woodbridge, NJ 07095

Alcotest Certified | Field Sobriety Certified

Former Woodbridge Prosecutor On Staff
Over 200 Years Combined Experience

Woodbridge DWI Lawyers


Second Offense DWI in Woodbridge

If you are convicted of a second offense DWI in Woodbridge, NJ, the surcharge is the same as that of a first offense, $1,000 per year for three (3) years. The amount of the fine for a second offense increases to between $500 and $1,000 dollars, with the exact amount being left up to the discretion of the judge in Woodbridge Municipal Court presiding over the case. A second offender is also required to perform 30 days of community service (each day consisting of 6 hours).

Additionally a mandatory jail sentence is imposed for second offense, ranging from 2 to 90 days. Although this incarceration doesn’t often take place in a jail (a 48 hour period of internment at an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center is often acceptable), certain aggravating factors can make actual jail time more likely. There is a mandatory loss of driving privileges for a minimum of two years. The second time offender must also satisfy the requirements of the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center. Finally, the second time offender is required to install an Ignition Interlock Device in all of the vehicles he owns, leases, or regularly operates for 1-3 years. Our Woodbridge DWI defense lawyers routinely represent clients charged with second offense DUI in Woodbridge and have successfully secured dismissals our clients. To learn more about we may be able to help you or your loved one defend a second offense DWI in Woodbridge contact our office today at (732) 634-0700 for a free consultation.